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Zeng Yi

Date:2021-03-19 Author: Editor}:朱明 ClickTimes:


Zeng Yi



Date of birth





Dazhou, Sichuan


Material physics









No. 2699 Qianjin Street,   Changchun City

D601, Tang Aoqing Building, south part of Qianwei Campus,

                                     Jilin   University



Research direction

Advanced   sensitive functional materials and devices, energy storage materials

Nanomaterials   in the fields of energy, environment, information, life sciences and flexible   devices, etc.

Education background

(1) 2007/09-2010/06,   Jilin University, College of Electronic Science and Engineering, PhD

(2) 2004/09-2007/06,   Jilin University, State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials, Master

(3) 1998/09-2002/06,   Jilin University, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Bachelor

Work experience

(1) 2017/12-present Jilin University, School of Materials   Science and Engineering, Professor

(2)   2018/01-2020/01 Nanyang Technological   University, Singapore, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Visiting   scholar, Supervisor: Professor Chen Xiaodong, academician of the Academy of Engineering,   Singapore

(3)   2012/10-2017/12 Jilin University,   College of Materials Science and Engineering, Associate professor

(4)   2010/10-2015/10 Jilin University,   State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials, Post-doctor, Supervisor:   Academician Zou Guangtian

(5)   2010/07-2012/10 Jilin University, School   of Materials Science and Engineering, Lecturer

Research projects

(1) Research on key technologies of micro-nano structure featuring   sound absorption and noise reduction, Hangzhou Xiaoshan Qianhang Shipbuilding   Co., Ltd., 200 thousand yuan, 2020/10-2022/10;

(2) Integrated   intelligent monitoring system of vehicle-mounted gas sensor, "5213"   project in 2020, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, 3 million yuan,   2020/08-2023/08;

(3)   Comparative study on typical regional innovation capabilities (3D4205082416),   250 thousand yuan, a project of the Chinese Academy of Science and Technology   for Development, 2020/05-2020/02;

(4)   Development of JRWXFO1 lift machine (3R118AC22416), Hangzhou JIE Drive   Technology Co., Ltd., horizontal project, 600 thousand yuan, 2018/08-2019/12;

(5) The   Talent Cultivation Project of Jilin University (451190101009), Jilin   University, 1 million yuan, 2018/01-2020/01;

(6) Jilin   University Outstanding Young Teacher Training Program (419080520293), Jilin   University, 400 thousand yuan, 2019/04-2021/04;

(7)   Research on the controllable synthesis and gas-sensing mechanism of SnO2   hollow multilayer nanostructures (20170101168JC), a project in the Science   and Technology Development Program of Jilin Provincial Department of Science   and Technology, 100 thousand yuan, 2017/01-2019/12;

(8)   Research on infrared light detection based on metal sulfide hollow complex   micro-nano structure (3D516K662416), State Key Laboratory of Applied Optics,   100 thousand yuan, 2016/06-2018/06;

(9) Jilin   University Reserve Talent Cultivation Plan of Outstanding Youth Science Fund   (419080500543), Jilin University, 180 thousand yuan, 2016/06-2018/06;

(10)   Controlled synthesis of Zn2SnO4 hollow polyhedrons and gas sensor selectivity   mechanism (51402122), Youth Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of   China, 250 thousand yuan, 2015/01-2017/12;

(11)   Research on the controllable synthesis and gas sensor selectivity of zinc   stannate hollow polyhedrons (2014T70287), the seventh batch of special   funding from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 150 thousand yuan,   2014/01-2015/12;

(12)   Synthesis of micro-nano Zn2SnO4 hollow polyhedrons and regulation of exposed   crystal surface for gas sensitivity (20120061120039), Doctoral Fund of the   Ministry of Education (for new teachers), 40 thousand yuan, 2013/01-2015/12;

(13)The   effect and regulation of loading nano-zinc oxide on the gas-sensing   properties of graphene (20110491319), the 49th batch of fund from China   Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 30 thousand yuan, 2011/06-2013/06

Academic papers

As the first author and corresponding author, I have published   36 SCI academic papers (23 papers in the Q1 of JCR with IF>6.0, including   16 papers in the top international journal in the sensor field Sen.   Actuators B, one paper in Adv. Energy Mater. and Adv. Funct.   Mater. respectively). My papers are cited more than 1,450 times in total   (Web of Science, Dec. 2020). Since I engaged in research work, I have   published more than 90 SCI papers, with a total of more than 4,200 citations,   H factor ≥36; 7 national invention patents have been authorized.

SCI papers published   in the past five years

(1) Y.Z. Wang, C.B. Liu, L. Qiao, Y. Zeng*, H.W. Tian, W.T.   Zheng*, Localized inside-out Ostwald ripening of hybrid   double-shelled cages into SnO2 triple-shelled hollow cubes for   improved toluene detection, Nanoscale,   11 (2020) 2011-2021. (Q1IF=7.233)

(2) J. Zhao, X. Yang, S.Y. Li, N. Chen, C.Z. Wang, Y. Zeng*, F. Du*, Hybrid and aqueous Li+-Ni metal batteries, CCS Chem. 2 (2020) 2498-2508. (Q1)

(3) L.Q. Wang, Y.Z. Wang, H.W. Tian, L. Qiao*, Y. Zeng*, Enhanced ammonia detection using wrinkled porous CoFe2O4   double-shelled spheres prepared by a thermally driven contraction process, Sens. Actuators B, 314 (2020) 128085.   (Q1, IF=6.27)

(4) H.Z. Lin, M.L. Li, D.X. Yu, Y. Zeng*, C.Z. Wang, G. Chen, F. Du*, Nanosheets-assembled CuSe crystal pillar   as a stable and high-power anode for sodium-ion and potassium-ion batteries, Adv. Energy Mater., 9 (2019)   1900323(1-9). (Q1, IF=21.49)

(5) D.X. Yu,   M.L. Li, T. Yu, C.Z. Wang, Y. Zeng*, X.D. Hu, G. Chen, G.C. Yang, F.   Du*, Nanotube-assembled pine-needle-like CuS as an   effective energy booster for sodium-ion storage, J. Chem. Mater. A, 7 (2019) 10619-10628. (Q1, IF=10.66)

(6) Y.Z. Wang, Y. Zeng*, L.Q. Wang, Z. Lou, L. Qiao, H.W. Tian, W.T.   Zheng*, Ultrathin nanorod-assembled SnO2 hollow cubes for high   sensitive n-butanol detection, Sens.   Actuators B, 283 (2019) 693-704. (Q1, IF=6.27)

(7) J.P. Liu, Y.Z.   Wang, L.Q. Wang, H.W. Tian, Y. Zeng*, Controllable assembly of   sandwich-structured SnO2/Fe2O3 multilayer   nanosheets for high sensitive acetone detection, Mater. Lett. 221   (2018) 57-61. (Q3, IF=2.687)

(8) Z.Y.   Zhang, M.L. Li, Y. Gao, Z.X. Wei, M.N. Zhang, C.Z. Wang, Y. Zeng*, B.   Zou, G. Chen, F. Du*, Fast Potassium Storage in Hierarchical Ca0.5Ti2(PO4)3@C   Microspheres Enabling High-Performance Potassium-Ion Capacitors, Adv.   Funct. Mater. 2018, 1802684. (一区,IF=13.325)

(9) Y. Zeng*, J.Z.   Luo, Y.Z. Wang, L. Qiao, B. Zou, W.T. Zheng*, Controllable formation of   multi-layered SnO2@Fe2O3 sandwich cubes as a   high-performance anode for Li-ion batteries, Nanoscale 9 (2017)   17576-17584. (Q1, IF=7.233)

(10) K. Zhang*,   X. Yang, Y.Z. Wang, Y.F. Bing, L. Qiao, Z.Z. Liang, S.S. Yu, Y. Zeng*,   W.T. Zheng, Pd-loaded SnO2 ultrathin nanorod-assembled hollow   microspheres with the significant improvement for toluene detection, Sens.   Actuators B 243 (2017) 465-474. (Q1, IF=6.27)

(11) Liang   Qiao, Yifei Bing, Yanzhe Wang, Shansheng Yu, Zhongzhu Liang, Yi Zeng*,   Enhanced toluene sensing performances of Pd- loaded SnO2 cubic   nanocages with porous nanoparticle-assembled shells, Sens. Actuators B   241 (2017) 1121-1129. (一区,IF=6.27)

(12) Y.F. Bing,   C. Liu, L. Qiao, Y. Zeng*, S.S. Yu, Z.Z. Liang, J.P. Liu, J.Z. Luo,   W.T. Zheng*, Multistep synthesis of non-spherical SnO2@SnO2   yolk-shell cuboctahedra with nanoparticle-assembled porous structure for   toluene detection, Sens. Actuators B 231 (2016) 365-375. (Q1, IF=6.27)

(13) Y.F. Bing,   Y. Zeng*, S.R. Feng, L. Qiao, Y.Z. Wang, W.T. Zheng*, Multistep   assembly of Au-loaded SnO2 hollow multilayered nanosheets for   high-performance CO detection, Sens. Actuators B 227 (2016) 362-372. (Q1,   IF=6.27)

(14) Y. Zeng*, Y.Z.   Wang, L. Qiao, Y.F. Bing, B. Zou, W.T. Zheng*, Synthesis and the improved   sensing properties of hierarchical SnO2 hollow nanosheets with   mesoporous and multilayered interiors, Sens. Actuators B 222 (2016)   354-361. (Q1, IF=6.27)

(15) H.W.   Zhang, F. Ke, Y. Li, L. Wang, C.L. Liu*, Y. Zeng*, M.G. Yao*, Y.H.   Han, Y.Z. Ma, C.X. Gao, Anomalous Structural Transition and Electrical   Transport Behaviors in Compressed Zn2SnO4: Effect of   Interface, Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 14417. (Q2, IF=4.259)

(16) Y.F. Bing,   Y. Zeng*, C. Liu, L. Qiao, W.T. Zheng*, Synthesis of double-shelled   SnO2 nano-polyhedra and their improved gas sensing properties, Nanoscale   7 (2015) 3276-3284. (Q1, IF=7.233)


(1)   2013 My paper was nominated for the award of One Hundred National Outstanding   Doctoral Dissertations;

(2)   2013 My paper won the award of the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Jilin   Province;

(3)   2013 My paper won the award of the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Jilin   University;

(4)   2014 My paper "Synthesis of a new hollow ZnSnO3 cubic nanocage and its   formaldehyde gas sensitivity", won the second prize of the Jilin   Provincial Natural Science Academic Achievement Award, ranking first in the   group;

(5)   2013 My paper "Research on Low-Dimensional Nano-Oxide Semiconductor   Chemical Sensors", won the first prize of Jilin Provincial Science and   Technology Award presented by Jilin Provincial Science and Technology   Department, ranking fourth in the group;

(6)   2013 My paper "Cuprous Oxide Preparation and Photocatalysis and Gas   Sensitive Performance of Hollow Polyhedral Structure", won the first   prize of Jilin Provincial Natural Science Academic Achievement Award, ranking   second in the group;

(7)   2013 I won the Excellence Award of the Ninth "Changbai Youth Science and   Technology Award";

(8)   2012 I won the first prize in the Fourth Young Teacher Teaching Competition   of the College of Materials Science and Engineering;

(9)   2011 I won the second prize of the 2011 Excellent Post-doctors of Jilin   University

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